IFS Broker 2020
In 2020 we at VOBO d.o.o. have yet again successfully passed the certification of IFS Broker with great results. This time the score was 99,69%, which we are very proud of and we will do our best to maintain or even improve the score in the…

Prava Aroma IFS Food 2019
Our production company Prava Aroma d.o.o. has retained the IFS Food 6.1 certificate, this time with a higher »high level« score of 99.90%. The IFS Food certificate requires control the production process and supply chain to ensure our customers…

Vobo IFS Broker 2019
A year has passed by and the Vobo company has successfully passed the certification for IFS Broker. This time the company has reached the highest score of 100%, thus proving to be a reliable and trustworthy business partner.

Prava Aroma d.o.o. IFS Food ceritficate
Our production company Prava Aroma d.o.o. has received an IFS Food certificate the same time as Vobo d.o.o. received its IFS Broker certificate. The IFS Food certificate forces an an controling the production proces and all other supply chains…

Vobo became an IFS Broker
In the year 2018 we successfully passed the certification for the IFS standard and became an IFS Broker with a high score of 94,69%. Over the following years our goal is to further improve our IFS score to show, that we are a reliable and responsible…